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Mental Health and COVID-19: The impact of a virtual course for family caregivers of adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities

JK Lake, T Volpe, L St John, A Thakur, L Steel, A Baskin, A Durbin, MA Chacra, Y Lunsky | Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, August, 2022

About Mental Health and COVID-19: The impact of a virtual course for family caregivers of adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities

Mental Health Correlates and Potential Childhood Predictors for the Wish to be of the Opposite sex in Young Autistic Adults

J-C Chang, M-C Lai, Y-M Tai, S Shur-Fen Gau | Autism, January, 2022

About Mental Health Correlates and Potential Childhood Predictors for the Wish to be of the Opposite sex in Young Autistic Adults

Metformin for the Treatment of Antipsychotic-induced Metabolic Disturbances in People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

N Stogios, MK Hahn, Y Lunsky, P Desarkar, SM. Agarwal | Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, March, 2023

About Metformin for the Treatment of Antipsychotic-induced Metabolic Disturbances in People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

Distinct Developmental Changes in Regional Gray Matter Volume and Covariance in Individuals with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: A longitudinal voxel-based morphometry study

JC Chang, HY Lin, SSF Gau | Asian Journal of Psychiatry, December, 2023

About Distinct Developmental Changes in Regional Gray Matter Volume and Covariance in Individuals with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: A longitudinal voxel-based morphometry study

Modulation of Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex Glutamate/Glutamine Levels Following Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Young Adults With Autism

I Moxon-Emre, ZJ Daskalakis, DM Blumberger, PE Croarkin, RE Lyon, NJ Forde, H Tani, P Truong, MC Lai, P Desarkar, N Sailasuta, P Szatmari, SH Ameis | Frontiers in Neuroscience, October, 2021

About Modulation of Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex Glutamate/Glutamine Levels Following Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Young Adults With Autism

"Everything has Changed Since COVID?: Ongoing challenges faced by Canadian adults with intellectual disabilities during waves 2 and 3 of the COVID-19 pandemic

Y Safar, F Formuli, T Volpe, L St John,Y Lunsky | Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, January, 2024

About "Everything has Changed Since COVID?: Ongoing challenges faced by Canadian adults with intellectual disabilities during waves 2 and 3 of the COVID-19 pandemic

Parent, Child, and Family Outcomes Following Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Parents of Autistic Children: A randomized controlled trial

AL Maughan, Y Lunsky, J Lake, JS Mills, K Fung, L Steel, JA Weiss | Autism, May, 2023

About Parent, Child, and Family Outcomes Following Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Parents of Autistic Children: A randomized controlled trial

Effects of the Dopamine Transporter Gene on Striatal Functional Connectivity in Youths with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

CY Shang, HY Lin, SS Gau | Psychological Medicine, April, 2021

About Effects of the Dopamine Transporter Gene on Striatal Functional Connectivity in Youths with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

"More Together Than Apart": The evaluation of a virtual course to improve mental health and well-being of adults with intellectual disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic

L St John, T Volpe, MI Jiwa, A Durbin, Y Safar, F Formuli, A Thakur, J Lake, Y Lunsky | Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, July, 2022

About "More Together Than Apart": The evaluation of a virtual course to improve mental health and well-being of adults with intellectual disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic

Assessing and Stabilizing Atypical Plasticity in Autism Spectrum Disorder using rTMS: Results from a proof-of-principle study

P Desarkar, TK Rajji, SH Ameis, DM Blumberger, MC Lai, Y Lunsky, ZJ Daskalakis | Clinical Neurophysiology, September, 2022

About Assessing and Stabilizing Atypical Plasticity in Autism Spectrum Disorder using rTMS: Results from a proof-of-principle study