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Promotion and Implementation Effectiveness of World Health Organization's Caregiver Skills Training Program in Taiwan

GJ Seng, YN Chiu, WC Tsai, HY Lin, SC Li, MN Hsiao, TJ Liu, HM Chen, A Shih, YC Chang, Who Cst Team, WT Soong | Frontiers in Psychiatry, August, 2022

About Promotion and Implementation Effectiveness of World Health Organization's Caregiver Skills Training Program in Taiwan

Psychiatric Disorders in Adults with Cerebral Palsy

CA McMorris, J Lake, K Dobranowski, C McGarry, E Lin, D Wilton, Y Lunsky, R Balogh | Research in Developmental Disabilities, April, 2021

About Psychiatric Disorders in Adults with Cerebral Palsy

Continuity of Primary Care and Prenatal Care Adequacy Among Women with Disabilities in Ontario: A population-based cohort study

F Nishat, Y Lunsky, LA Tarasoff, HK Brown | Disability and Health Journal, July, 2022

About Continuity of Primary Care and Prenatal Care Adequacy Among Women with Disabilities in Ontario: A population-based cohort study

Resting State Electroencephalography Microstates in Autism Spectrum Disorder: A mini-review

S Das, R Zomorrodi, PG Enticott, M Kirkovski, DM Blumberger, TK Rajji, P Desarkar | Frontiers in Psychiatry, December, 2022

About Resting State Electroencephalography Microstates in Autism Spectrum Disorder: A mini-review

Cross-frequency Coupling in Psychiatric Disorders: A systematic review

B Yakubov, S Das, R Zomorrodi, DM Blumberger, PG Enticott, M Kirkovski, TK Rajji, P Desarkar | Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, July, 2022

About Cross-frequency Coupling in Psychiatric Disorders: A systematic review

Richer Than we Thought: Neurophysiological methods reveal rich-club network development is frequency- and sex-dependent

MM Vandewouw, EW Pang, MC Lai, E Kelley, M Ayub, JP Lerch, MJ Taylor, E Anagnostou | iScience, March, 2023

About Richer Than we Thought: Neurophysiological methods reveal rich-club network development is frequency- and sex-dependent

Roadblocks and Detours on Pathways to a Clinical Diagnosis of Autism for Girls and Women: A qualitative secondary analysis

Y Hamdani, C Kassee, M Walker, Y Lunsky, B Gladstone, A Sawyer, S Ameis, P Desarkar, P Szatmari, M-C Lai | Women's Health, March, 2023

About Roadblocks and Detours on Pathways to a Clinical Diagnosis of Autism for Girls and Women: A qualitative secondary analysis

Development and Initial Psychometric Properties of the Warwick?Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale?Intellectual Disability Version

K Scior, M Patel, A Goldsmith?Sumner, N Hayden, J Lee, Y Lunsky, M Osborne, L Richardson, S Stewart?Brown, R Hastings | Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, May, 2023

About Development and Initial Psychometric Properties of the Warwick?Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale?Intellectual Disability Version

Sex/gender Differences in the Human Autistic Brains: A systematic review of 20 years of neuroimaging research

K Mo, T Sadoway, S Bonato, SH Ameis, E Anagnostou, JP Lerch, MJ Taylor, MC Lai | NeuroImage: Clinical, September, 2021

About Sex/gender Differences in the Human Autistic Brains: A systematic review of 20 years of neuroimaging research

Differential Treatment Effects of Methylphenidate and Atomoxetine on Executive Functions in Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

SC Wu, CY Shang, HY Lin, SSF Gau | Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology, April, 2021

About Differential Treatment Effects of Methylphenidate and Atomoxetine on Executive Functions in Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder