CAMH is the largest mental health and addiction hospital in Canada, an Academic Health Sciences Centre fully affiliated with U of T, and a Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization Collaborating Centre. Our mission is excellence in patient care, research, education and system leadership. CAMH has approximately 500 inpatient beds, 3,000 staff, physicians and scientists, multiple sites in the GTA, regional offices across Ontario, and an annual operating budget of over $370 million. CAMH delivers the complete spectrum of mental health and addiction inpatient and ambulatory clinical programs. Notably, it runs a large forensic mental health program. Currently, a transformational multi-phased redevelopment project is underway at CAMH’s Queen Street site. The organization delivers a world-class research enterprise and a professional education program, training one quarter of Canada’s psychiatrists. CAMH plays a leadership role in the mental health sector provincially and nationally.
CAMH has the responsibility to recruit and retain senior leadership with the skills, experience, qualifications and track record required to transform the future of mental health, while operating a large, complex speciality teaching hospital that strives to be the best in the world.
Executive Leadership Compensation System
Total compensation for executive leadership positions at CAMH is targeted to be at the median of Toronto based Academic Health Science Centers, with additional input from the broader public/private sector organizations for functional positions. Salaries are periodically benchmarked externally, with comparison reviewed and revised as required. Executive leadership salaries paid outside the range reflect market conditions for uniquely qualified individuals.
In consultation with external compensation consultants, CAMH developed a tool using 11 factors to evaluate the executive leadership positions at CAMH. Classification levels or pay bands are based on factors ranging from education, experience and technical skills, to complex problem-solving, communications and leadership. These factors are weighted to reflect CAMH values and system benchmarks. Total salary associated with each of the pay bands includes base salary and pay for performance based on the attainment of pre-established organizational and personal goals for the year.
Base salaries and maximum earnable incentive pay for the CAMH Senior Management Group have been frozen since April 2009 at 2008 levels.
The CAMH Senior Management Group Compensation Plan was originally approved by the Management Resources and Compensation Committee (MRCC) of the CAMH Board of Trustees. The MRCC reviewed the plan design and results of its application on an annual basis. The responsibilities of the MRCC have now been included in the mandate of the Audit, Finance and Resources Committee of the CAMH Board.
Performance Management System
Base salary progression and annual incentive pay are based on a system of pay-for-performance against objectives.
An extensive and detailed plan of goals and objectives established each year for the organization is reviewed by the Executive Committee of the CAMH Board of Trustees and approved by the Chair of the Board. Progress against the plan is reported to and monitored by the Board on a quarterly basis through the CEO Indicators report. The annual performance plan also includes the annual Quality Improvement Plan and specific targets related to the Quality Dimensions of safety, effectiveness, access and patient-centred care. Based on the overall performance plan, goals for each executive are established at the beginning of the fiscal year and their performance is formally evaluated at the end of the year.
Goal setting and performance evaluation for the CAMH President and CEO is conducted by a committee made up of the Chair of the Board and a representative number of Trustees.
Performance is evaluated on the basis of the individual’s contribution to the overall success of CAMH, the achievement of specific pre-determined and measurable results, and the demonstration of executive leadership competencies.
Components of the CAMH Senior Management Compensation Plan
Note: You may click on the names below to bring you to this senior leader’s current employment contract, as well as any prior contracts that remain relevant. (Note: Anyone who initially had parking paid as part of their compensation package had this privilege removed as of April 1, 2009.)